Supplement your study of literature in your middle and high school classrooms, with our most popular lesson plans.…
Students travel back in time to learn about the lives of the immigrant families who made their home in a tenement on New…
Students use a Web resource to share some of the experiences of immigrants who recently arrived at Ellis Island. Then,…
Students research American immigration and use arithmetic to determine some facts and statistics about various immigrant…
Students will create a character who immigrates to the United States. They will base a large portion of their stories on…
Read about the 2012 presidential campaign issues and learn where Republican Mitt Romney stands on immigration,…
Read about the 2012 presidential campaign issues to learn where Barack Obama stands on immigration, healthcare, foreign…
Read about the 2012 presidential campaign issues to learn about Ron Paul's stance on immigration, healthcare, foreign…
After introduction to a family tree website, students are inspired to research their own family histories.
Use this worksheet with the "Today's Pilgrims" lesson plan.
Discover thousands of cross-curricular lessons and activities for all grade levels. Find holidays, subject areas, and…
An article explaining the roles of the U.S. president's cabinet.